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Location: Ohio, United States

8235 Old Troy Pk. #164 Dayton, OH 45424 I'm a ceramic bead and jewelry artist in my mid-30s. I've been happily married for about 15 years to a man whose generous support makes it possible for me to work full-time (or almost) as an artist. We have a beautiful baby girl born in August of 2004.

Saturday, September 03, 2005 gain control of your house and home Your personal online coach to help you gain control of your house and home

If only it were this easy. I need to flylady my house, my business, and my finances. I have a growing collection of organization books which have utterly failed to produce anything resembling organization in my life.

While flipping channels the other day, I heard something on Dr. Phil that has been haunting me... Before you scoff (or perhaps that should be, before **I** scoff) there's potential wisdom in a great many unlikely places and even if I don't like the person delivering it, when something makes the impression that this has, i need to at least consider it. So, anyway, Dr. Phil was saying that you only continue behaviors that pay off for you in some way.

So, I guess that maybe I need to figure out if that's true and, if so, what I am getting out of the disaster that is my life.


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