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Location: Ohio, United States

8235 Old Troy Pk. #164 Dayton, OH 45424 I'm a ceramic bead and jewelry artist in my mid-30s. I've been happily married for about 15 years to a man whose generous support makes it possible for me to work full-time (or almost) as an artist. We have a beautiful baby girl born in August of 2004.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Layers of Meaning: Felted Blankets

My feet are cold. Not really a newsworthy observation, but there you have it. Sometime in late October I begin to get cold by early November I feel chilled most of the time. By December the chill is in my bones and I begin to doubt that I'll ever get warm. If I'm lucky, I start to thaw in early April, but it is often more like May.

I mention this because while sitting on the couch with the baby on my lap, I found myself searching the pile of things next to me for a blanket or something to pull over my feet. What I grabbed was a sweater which worked beautifully when I put my feet into the sleeves and pulled the body of the sweater up over my knees. This reminded me that I have a couple of felted sweaters in the studio that would make warm fuzzy slippers. So I started looking for a slipper pattern for inspiration and found this instead... now I want to make a blanket.

Layers of Meaning: Felted Blankets


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